I was curious about the result for a long time until I ran into this report which came out recently. Columbus, Ohio is on the list as well as my home state, Boston, MA.
This “Deaf Friendly Cities” report includes a narrative of a selected city from each of four U.S. regions, lists several community resources, and photos representing a variety of situations that are considered “deaf friendly” to deaf consumers or travelers.
"While research for this report should not be considered scientific," a Deaf411 representative explains, "this sampling of consumers with significant hearing loss who depend primarily on sign language provides solid criteria for evaluating cities for accessibility from a deaf friendly perspective."
Actual Report (free registration may be required)
Deaf411 surveyed deaf Americans by asking if they considered the current city they live in is “Deaf-Friendly.” The survey also included questions about accessible recreational activities, community events, resources in these cities for deaf people, etc.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
19 hours ago
I was actually disappointed in this endeavor. The "report" didn't present any method of data collection or statistics supporting their claims. Shame.
The video on Deaf Friendly website did mention how they did the research and compilation. www.deaf411online.com/deaffriendly
There is a video on Deaf Friendly website, female in video explain how research and compilation was done.
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