Monday, March 17, 2008

Fellow blogger about Dr. Laura

I love reading my fellow blogger's blogs and today, I am trying to catch up. I read one of my frequent visits even though I do not always agree with her but I do enjoy her blogs. Her blogs actually makes me think.

I like her blog she has posted over the weekend. I encourage you to read Diane's blog about Dr. Laura: "Dr. Laura Explains the Starving Males Needs". Before you read my comment below, I want you to read her blog and try to understand why women disagree with Dr. Laura and I can understand why.
I have this book called "His Needs and Her Needs" and I enjoyed the book very much. I can understand what Dr. Laura is saying even though I do NOT always agree with her. I don't know how many men understands or even follow 1 Peter 3:7. That verse is important and very helpful in my own marriage. I will always do my best to submit to my wife's feelings and wishes. Submission to me means "Live with your wives" The term translated "live" means "to dwell down with," being closely aligned, being completely at home with. The little word "with" calls for close companionship, deep-down togetherness. Husbands are the ones who should be cultivating an in-depth partnership with our mates. This word "dwell" speaks of intimacy. In every marriage, there needs to be verbal, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual togetherness. The word for "live" means to "dwell together or to be at home with." Peter is telling husbands that they are responsible for the "close togetherness" in the relationship. Providing a good living should never become a substitute for sharing deeply in life. The husband is to be sensitive to the needs of the wife. Know your wife. The success of your dwelling with your wife will be in direct proportion to your knowledge of her. Knowing your wife includes those things that others don't and won't know. Her deep fears and cares. Her disappointments as well as her expectations. Her scars and secrets and also her thoughts and dreams. It calls for a sensitive spirit, a willingness to be involved, to listen, to communicate, to care. The husband is exhorted to live with his wife "with understanding."

Once my wife get her needs fulfilled, she will make sure that my needs are fulfilled as well.

The key point is that, I as a man must lead and take the responsbility of his marriage by loving his wife as he should love be.

I can understand why women dislike Dr. Laura's comment and I agree with the womens' feelings. Its never a woman's fault but rather a husband's (man's)fault when a marriage failed or when his wife is neglected.