Sunday, February 24, 2008

Blogs Rated for EXCELLENT

Well, it took me awhile to name award winners and I have came up with 4 bloggers that I want give an award to and they are:

Marja who is interested in blogging about mental health issues and her relationship with God. She recently lost her mother-in-law and she was sharing her grief. We have something in common regarding our Christian faith.

Mike who is very blut when he blogs about deaf issues. He just provoke my thoughts every time I read his blog.

Merelyme who have a different topic frequently and likes to connect with other bloggers. I enjoy reading her posts daily.

Abbie who is blogging about her Cochlear Implant (CI) experiences and her life. I enjoy her sense of humor and her views of life as she sees it.


Mike said...

Thank you, Jim!

Cobra said...


Casdok said...

Thank you, will go and check these out!

Synchronicity said...

awww shucks! thanks so much jim! i think you deserve it more than anybody though.

come on over to my place as i am asking a question which...i would really love to hear your views.

Synchronicity said...

hey jim...i bet you would enjoy nancie's blog too. here is her link.

whimsical brainpan said...

Congrats on the Award Jim! I'll check these folks out.

Abbie said...

Thank you so much for the award! I am so glad that you enjoy reading my blog as I do yours! I am looking forward to get to know one another :)

marja said...

Hi Jim, Thank you so much!

I feel bad though. You've been visiting my blog so much and leaving comments, and I've been so self-engrossed that I haven't visited yours - or anyone else's for that matter.

I will rectify that tonight. Tonight I'll be blogging big-time. I will catch up on everybody's life.