Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dumb, Dumb, Dumb

Does your hometown have dumb laws?

Here are some of Ohio's dumb laws

Women are prohibited from wearing patent leather shoes in public.

It is illegal to get a fish drunk.

It is illegal for more than five women to live in a house.

Posting signs at swimming pools is illegal.

This site also have links to Dumb Criminals, Dumb Facts,Dumb Inventions, Dumb Lawsuits and many more.


+PHc said...

The dumb laws I can think about right now I don't want to write about out loud.

So my dumb comment is more about myself. That blogging is a good way to learn about yourself. Interacting with so many different kinds of people, in such different circumstances, with such different views at once is a good way to make mistakes - to forget how public you are, to say things you think you are comfortable with anyone knowing, and then realizing that you've broken some of your own personal boundaries you didn't even know you had, saying things you think are "safe" and getting "hit" back in a way you'd never expect, hurting people unintentionally, living virtually in a world that doesn't have established rules... I am very open about my life and experiences and have gotten feedback that was too much for me and often recently wanted to give up blogging - which I value very much as my closest community connection in recent years.

So my "dumb" theme response to your post is about feeling that way myself, and appreciating and trying to learn from the kaleidoscopic mirrors of feedback, in a way that I hope will make me wiser and more compassionate in my "real life" when I start one again!

So - that was a serious way of answering a light-hearted question.

And just a way of saying hi, too.

Unknown said...

Hi back to you :)

I can probably think of some dumb laws that you may be thinking.

I know what you are saying. We learn "boundaries" mistakes through trials and errors. No one is perfect. Heck, my bluntness often gets me into trouble. While at the same time, I have learned to understand that there are people out there who cares even when we make mistakes. I am glad I found this blog community and its nice that we are able to share our burdens. :)

Have a good weekend.

whimsical brainpan said...

Plenty of dumb out there to go around. :-)