Deaf Read about Audism Definition of audism is defined as a term used to describe discrimination or stereotypes against deaf or hard of hearing people. In the deaf culture, calling someone an audist is akin to calling someone a racist. People who have audist attutides are considered to be audists.
An attitude based on pathological thinking, which results in a negative stigma toward anyone who does not hear; like racism, sexism, audism judges, labels, and limits individuals on the basis of whether a person hears and speaks. (Humphrey and Alcorn 1995: 85)
Stereotyping in general created by those showing an incorrect judgement of a possibility by making people into stereotypes.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
19 hours ago
I like your thoughts. Keep em' comin' :-)
It's an interesting issu, and one that applies in so very many realms. Race, as you'vementioned, religion, gender. I'm discovering as a newly single woman, that people are inclined to assume that woemn can't make financil decisions on their own, can't manage power tools, blah blah blah. If one more person asks over the phone when I'm calling about work I want done on my how, "And what is your husband's name?" I may just start sceaming. The tendencey to make negative assumptions about anything that is different or outside your undersatnding is a near-universal, I think.
Thank you for teaching me the term. I'm very sorry for any times you've ever experienced it, from intentional hurtfulness, or ignorance, or lack of familiarity, or thoughtlessness... .
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